Statement of Center for Sportfishing Policy President Jeff Angers on the withdrawal of NOAA’s Vessel Speed Restriction Rule

January 15, 2025
Washington, D.C. – January 15, 2025 – “Today’s withdrawal of the Biden Administration’s deeply flawed Vessel Speed Restriction Rule is long overdue. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was misguided in its zealous pursuit of a 10-knot speed limit on the Atlantic Ocean. While the Rule claimed to safeguard the endangered North Atlantic right whale (NARW), it was built on flawed assumptions, bad science and bad policy. And it included little whale conservation.

“For years, our coalition worked tirelessly to oppose this Proposed Rule. Its sweeping, overly restrictive measures – issued without consultation with affected stakeholders – threatened to disrupt livelihoods of coastal communities, anglers, boaters and all who enjoy America’s public waters. It was a deeply flawed approach that ignored the advanced marine technologies available to better protect marine mammals. We are united in our call for balanced, science-driven solutions that can protect marine mammals while preserving safe, sustainable access to our oceans. 

“The Center for Sportfishing Policy is hopeful NOAA will join with us to develop a durable, practical approach to this critical issue. But it is noteworthy that NOAA’s withdrawal notice today highlighted only the Administration’s time running out without acknowledging the numerous flaws in their approach. NOAA can do better, and we expect more from America’s science agency. We strongly encourage the federal government to work alongside stakeholders on a science-driven plan that genuinely protects the NARW; supports the sustainability of our oceans and ensures public access to America’s public waters.”
