The Political arm of marine conservation
CSP aims to maximize opportunity for saltwater anglers by gathering recreational fishing stakeholders to shape federal fisheries conservation and management decisions.

Modern Fish Act

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Advocating for Marine Recreational Fishing and Boating
The Center for Sportfishing Policy is the nation’s leading advocate for saltwater recreational anglers. The Center organizes, focuses and engages recreational fishing stakeholders to speak with one voice to shape federal marine fisheries management policies.
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Support the Economic Impact of Recreational Fishing
America’s 13.8 million marine recreational anglers support 595,000 jobs and annually contribute $98 billion in sales impacts to the U.S. economy.
Fight for Fair Fishing Rights for Anglers
Recreational and commercial fishing are fundamentally different endeavors and should be managed differently. But for years, antiquated, one-size-fits-all federal policies have been unnecessarily limiting the public’s access to our nation’s abundant natural marine resources by forcing recreational anglers into a management model designed for commercial fishing.
Promote Sustainable Fishing
Recreational anglers have led the way to maintain sustainable fish populations and protect habitats. Recreational anglers contribute to habitat restoration, and their license fees and taxes on motorboat fuel and tackle pay for management and conservation conducted by state agencies. Along with fishing equipment manufacturers, they have developed fishing tackle and best practices that reduce fish mortality.
Fix Marine Fisheries Management Policies
The Center for Sportfishing Policy aims to make fishing fair by fixing marine fisheries management. Our goal is to sustain healthy fish stocks and ensure our ocean fisheries remain truly public resources available to all Americans.
Protect American Angling Tradition
Recreational fishing is a family friendly activity that connects people to nature and develops in its participants an abiding respect for natural resources.